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My Story…

My story starts back on May 15th 2023 I had a pretty big accident at work where I was crushed by 300kg of form drop on top of me straight down onto my left shoulder taking me straight to the ground and pinning me to ground underneath. Two guys that I was working with with where shocked and rushed in to help as quick as they could. They where just able to lift it up enough where I was able to get my self free. But the damage had already been done It streched my nerves in my shoulder which work your left arm to just about breaking point so I couldn’t feel my left arm at all apart from pins and needles in my finger tips. I was told by doctors that it will take years for my nerves to bounce back where they are meant to so it’s been a long road this far. A couple of weeks later I was dragged into the office where I was sat down one of the big bosses and a workers comp lady through work where I was accused of lifting boxes at my partners work by someone from my work. Now I’ll tell you it was entirely untrue as I couldn’t even lift our young son up after he fell down a couple of stairs at home. So this bought me down a lot the accident the injury being off work and now getting blamed for somthing I didn’t do. I hadn’t even been out of the house unless it was for appointments with doctors surgeons and physio so it bought me down a lot and the money situation we where facing was getting me even more down cause workers comp is crap money. One night me and my partner had a bit of an argument probably about 1 month after getting accused of lifting boxes and it was honestly over nothing but we where both stressed out because of what had happened. So this is where I hit rock bottom. I decided to go have a couple of beers with a mate to try and destress abit and talk about how I felt I literally had 5 beers max to cool down and try and destress but what I didn’t know was that the dark place had already set in. I remember getting home as I wasn’t drunk or anything like that but what happened next was somthing I have never experienced it was like somthing or someone took over me cause the following day I woke up in emergency came out of a 12 hour coma I had taken 47 pain killers and have no recollection of this at all my heart rate was pretty much non existent and when I woke a nurse had to sit by my bed side for her whole shift cause every time I would close my eyes my heart rate would plummet again. Any way what I’m trying to say is that the darkside does exist and I should have spoken to someone well before I got to the darkside I nearly left my fiancé and two kids behind because I didn’t take the time sooner to seek help and speak to someone about my problems and how depressed I had come because of the accident the injury getting blamed for somthing I had not done and nearly loosing my job because someone had it in for me. I still suffer this injury and still have hardly any feeling in my left arm I have returned to work but still having lots of treatment going on with my shoulder. But what I want to say is please seek help before you end up in that dark place where somthing takes control of you and you end up either in hospital or worse reach out to any one a friend family member someone u dont even know on here that has shared there story just talk to someone because the darkside is some where that I never want to be again it’s not only scary for u but others aswell please reach out and talk. Thankyou for taking the time to read my story and I hope that this has helped in someway because your life matters

This personal story was submitted by Bb from NSW